Hypnosis is NOT sleep,
It is a state of focused attention and hightened receptivity to suggestions in which the critical part of the mind is bypassed and any suggestions made will be accepted without question if they are acceptable.
It is a natural state of mind experienced by everyone when we focus our attention such as when we are to daydreaming, or watching TV
You will NOT Lose Control–
My job is to guide you into the hypnotic experience and give you the therapeutic suggestions that will enable your sub-conscious mind to bring abut the changes you seek.
Any suggestions that you do not like, or that are in any way contrary to your own moral code are rejected by your mind during hypnosis in the same way that they would in your unhypnotized state .
For the same reason you will not reveal any secrets or information you do not wish to whilst in hypnosis.
There is no need to worry about getting stuck in hypnosis
All you ever need to do to leave hypnosis is to choose to open your eyes, and you will no longer in s state of hypnosis.
Becoming hypnotized is a choice and you can change your mind anytime for any reason and leave your hypnotic trance because you choose to for any reason .
On rare occasion’s, (and it has happened to me) when you are called back or choose to exit hypnosis, you my not respond straight away if your mind chooses to remain in hypnosis because it is such a pleasant experience, or you have drifted off into sleep. In my case I woke after 10 minutes feeling amazing,
It is common to allow the person in hypnosis to spend a little extra time just to experience that state of deeply relaxed hypnotic peace and so many people comment when coming out of hypnosis that they wanted to stay under hypnosis longer.
What does hypnosis feel like
Unlike Feeling hungry or drunk, there is no such thing as a hypnotized feeling- only a wonderful relaxed dream like state.
I can not be Hypnotized
What ever your experience or belief, concerning you CAN enter a hypnotic state that is right for you if shown the right way to do it-
Since your sub-conscious takes every experience at face value it will accept that if you can pretend you are hypnotized then you are.
The only caveat being that you must WANT hypnosis, and allow it to happen.
if i say now Do NOT think about a pink elephant, you thought of a pink elephant (though we all know that elephants are not pink), because I asked you not to.
If you imagine or pretend you are becoming hypnotized the magic will happen
There are observable signs of the hypnotic state such as slow respiration, eye closure and profound relaxation.
Under hypnosis you may become aware of a warmth or tingling in your hands or feet and as you body relaxes your mind relaxes and clears and our sense of time becomes distorted.
All conversations will be kept in strictest confidence
Confidentiality may also be broken if required to do so by law.
I monitor my own practice by attending regular supervision for myself and am committed to my own self-development through continued training .
There are times where aspects of our sessions will be taken to supervision to monitor my practice, but any information disclosed will be anonymized, and my supervisor is contractually bound by the same confidentiality that I have with you
I have an ethical duty of care which is renforced by GDPR Law to protect your confidentiality at all times,
so, should we by chance meet outside of a therapy session, although I will acknowledge you, it would be ideal if any further conversation could be avoided.
However, you are free to choose to discuss your therapy with anyone and are welcome to do so.
What Qualifications Do You Have?
I trained & qualified with Chysalis and was awarded a (Dip. Hyp CS)
The course was accredited by The Princes Trust and qualifies me to become a Registrant member of The National Hypnotherapy Society which is an organization that maintains a Register that has been accredited by the Professional Standards Authority’
The Accredited Register program was set up by the Government to improve standards and safety for the benefit of the public and that accreditation demonstrates my commitment to high professional standards, to enhancing safety and delivering a better service.
CPD Qualifications
As a condition of HS membership I am required to undergo regular Continuing Personal Development (CPD)-These are training courses designed to increase my skillset and keep me up to date.
CPD in Hypnotic gastric Band 2022
CPD in IMR & Regress To Causen 2023
CPD In Parts Therapy 2023
Conversational hypnosis ( Online) – Igor Ledochowski 2023
Who Are You
I am Chris Wells, a qualified and insured hypnotherapist who works to the strict ethical code and professional standards of the National Hypnotherapy society.
( link below)
Whatever you interest in hypnosis or hypnotherapy, I invite you to contact me by booking a free 15 minute call so we can explore together how hypnotherapy could transform your life